
Healthy thyroid

Mar 10, 2020

Did you know that approximately 60% of people that suffer from a thyroid condition do not know it? and they realize it until the symptoms are disabling! By the way, do you know what these symptoms are? Well, I will tell you about them so that you can identify them and deal with them in time if you get to present them.

Some signs that indicate that something is wrong with your thyroid are when you feel sad or depressed, you start to constipate regularly even though your diet hasn`t changed, you sleep a lot and you feel tired all the time, your hair starts to fall out, you have dry skin, decreased libido, tachycardia, increased appetite, sudden weight gain, muscle aches, cold sensation, irritability, depression, anxiety, drowsiness, insomnia, menstrual disorders, difficulty concentrating, etc. As you can see, thyroid problems are not specific and in each person they can manifest themselves in very different ways. For all this, when you experience some of these signs, it is time to go to your doctor for a checkup.

On the other hand, as they say: Make your food your medicine! Today I come to talk to you how through food we can keep your thyroid healthy. Interesting, don't you think?

Let's start by demystifying what they say that for the thyroid the consumption of broccoli and cauliflower is bad since it worsens hypothyroidism. That is totally false, these vegetables, like kale and cabbages, belong to the cruciferous families and have properties to detoxify mainly the liver which is beneficial for people with hypothyroidism, however it’s said that it`s not good to consume them because crucifers are considered "goitrogenic", that`s to say, substances that suppress the thyroid gland, interfering with the production of iodine, but for this to happen they would have to be consumed raw and in very large quantities since they interfere with the absorption of iodine, therefore depending on of the hypothyroid type it is possible that patients can consume them, for example cooked.

Selenium is an essential mineral for the thyroid since it reduces fatigue, which is why there is more energy, it reduces anxiety and palpitations, it reduces anxiety to eat and cravings, which is why it can be of help when you have difficulties with weight loss, it helps to stop hair loss, you could take supplements with selenium (ask your doctor or nutritionist what supplement and dose to take) to ensure the daily intake, but you can also find it naturally in red meats, fish, vegetables and green leaf vegetables, nuts such as walnuts, pine nuts, seeds, shellfish, chicken, eggs, garlic, mushrooms, grains and whole grains.

Magnesium is a super important nutrient for the proper functioning of the thyroid, it can also help you if you suffer from constipation, migraine, insomnia, frequent headaches, menstrual cramps, anxiety, joint pain, etc. Since all these symptoms can be alerts of magnesium deficiency, you can take magnesium supplements (ask your doctor or nutritionist what supplement and dose to take) to ensure the daily intake, but you can also find it naturally in avocado, almonds , pistachios, peanuts, seeds, sesame, watermelon, coriander, whole wheat bread, dark chocolate, quinoa, wheat bran and green leaf vegetables.

Thiamine or Vitamin B1, is another very important nutrient in thyroid health, since it reverses chronic fatigue, improves symptoms of depression, irritability, difficulty concentrating, inflammation and colitis, difficulty in digesting carbohydrates. Thiamine supplements can be taken (ask your doctor or nutritionist which supplement and dose to take) to ensure the daily intake, but it`s also found naturally in grains, milk, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, among others, which is why it can be useful to reduce inflammation throughout the body, keeps the intestine healthy and detoxify the body in people with autoimmunity. This is important and relevant in those who have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, but how can you consume turmeric? Adding it to the preparation of our food, or taking it as supplements where it is found with high bioavailability.

Finally, green leaf vegetables have a great antioxidant and detoxifying power, they help oxygenate our blood, eliminate heavy metals and toxins from our body, this is why it`s important to include them daily in our diet in green juices, salads, stews, side dishes, snacks, etc. and not only to have a healthy thyroid, but in general to have a healthier diet.
I hope all these tips are useful for you to have a functional diet and a healthier thyroid.

Nut. Hassell Luján

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